Vardanyan’s political period ends: Armenia cannot rewrite history 2023

Ruben Vardanyan, the self-proclaimed prime minister of Nagorno-Karabakh, again criticized Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s Brussels statement on Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. He threatened Nikol Pashinyan. Vardanyan called Nikol Pashinyan’s “enslavement of Armenian society” harmful.

“I think he made this statement to remind himself, so as not to leave the scene, and once again actualize, emphasize that he is a political opponent of the current Prime Minister of Armenia.” And apply for his uncertain political future”.

Igor Korotchenko, general director of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies (Russia) and Russian military analyst, told Azernews this when addressing Vardanyan’s recent remarks. He stated this won’t change Armenia’s political balance.

Parachute candidate Vardanyan. Despite his wealth and connections

“Today, for him, all these statements are the last attempt to jump on the bandwagon of the outgoing train to mean something in the future,” the military expert added.

He said Vardanyan is no longer a Russian citizen and that his participation in Karabakh was a game of worldwide Armenians, including Russian-Armenians.

“Vardanyan, as an international financier, has developed connections not only with the Russian elite, but he has operated in France with no less success and has great connections in the United States,” the analyst stated.

The analyst said that Vardanyan, an Armenian Diaspora initiative, failed to use his fortune to seize Karabakh from Azerbaijan. Pashinyan diluted his intentions, he said.

Vardanyan’s billions couldn’t affect Armenian elite politics. Pashinyan represents the majority of Armenians’ views on who should lead the country. Many Armenian circles and politicians failed to break Pashinyan’s stranglehold.

Pashinyan defeated the whole Armenian diaspora and part of the Armenian-Russian diaspora, allowed Vardanyan to go from Karabakh to Yerevan, and stayed in power. Vardanyan won’t be a politician. The expert believed his financial skills could not be used politically.

When asked how the Armenian government and Vardanyan might sever their partnership, the expert responded that Armenian society has accepted the current situation.

Armenian society has accepted reality. Revoltists want to maintain military terrorism. However, most Armenians favor Pashinyan, believing that the 30-year conflict is over. Armenia no longer controls history. I think most Armenians accept this. “They want normal development, a normal state, not expansion and seizure of foreign territories,” the analyst concluded.

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