What is the Grand Duke or Tai Sui?

Jupiter is the Tai Sui, or Grand Duke. That’s all you need to know as a layperson. In reality, this enigmatic entity that evoked a vision of an elderly guy brandishing a horse-tail whip is a planet.

Jupiter is one of our favorite topics to discuss as astrologers, even if it may not mean much to the general public or layperson. Regarding our conversation, Jupiter plays

an essential part of time counting. Because Jupiter takes around 12 years to complete one orbit around the Sun, there are 12 zodiacs. Our celestial clock uses it to measure and determine how twelve years feels. Another topic of debate is what a year, month, or week feels like; I covered this in one of my very old blog entries. In summary, the Big Dipper, Jupiter, the Sun, and the Moon all move in tandem to tell us how time feels. All of these are components of the cosmic clock.

You get my argument, even if the above is obviously not the ideal way to explain it. Our calendars are only a representation of the events occurring above.

Jupiter has historically been important in all astrological systems. In Vedic and Western astrology, it is referred to as the Great Benefic because it represents wealth overall and bestows offspring, gifts, and wisdom. Jupiter should not be treated lightly. It is a highly respected planet in all astrological systems, and its location in your chart—whether it is elevated or debilitated—will have a significant impact on how well your life turns out.

Gen. Wu Sui’s Tai Sui of 2025

The Year of the Wood Snake is ruled by the Tai Sui.

One of the most significant indicators that Feng Shui practitioners look for every year is the Tai Sui, or God of the Year, who is said to have a significant impact on the fortune of ALL houses and animal signs. It is crucial that everyone honors Tai Sui annually because while he is on your side, you have excellent mentorship, benefactory luck, and support. However, if you incur the Tai Sui’s anger, you may face many challenges and hardships.

The Tai Sui moves into Southeast 3 (SE3), the Snake’s compass point, in 2025.

Place the Tai Sui Plaque here to win his favor. Try to keep this section of the house as quiet as you can. Don’t have a TV or play loud music here. This region should not be touched if you are planning improvements.

Additionally, in 2025, avoid looking southeast since doing so is interpreted as confronting the Tai Sui. Even if SE is your fortunate direction according to your KUA number, make sure that every seat in the house and workplace faces somewhere else.

Furthermore, the animal sign is said to be supported by Tai Sui at the compass position where the Tai Sui relocates each year. This is the Snake in 2025. Although it is not provided freely, this is wonderful news for the snake. In the meanwhile, the Boar challenges the Tai Sui, and if the Tai Sui is not placated, there will be significant barriers to victory. Since the Tiger and Monkey are in “Side-Conflict” with the Tai Sui, there will probably be some small annoyances and difficulties. To get his approval and realize their full potential, all four of these astrological signs NEED to wear the 2025 Tai Sui Amulet.

It is customary for people who are at odds with Tai Sui to honor him at a temple where his picture is on display, in addition to carrying his image and talisman as an amulet and placing the year’s Tai Sui Plaque with his image in his assigned spot. In order to ask for his protection and favor, this ritual is usually carried out at the start of every new year.


Each of the 60 Tai Suis preside over a single year within a cycle of 60 years. A notable commander from Ancient China represents each Tai Sui, and the traits of that general determine the kind of luck we might anticipate for the year. General Wu Sui is assuming leadership in the Year of the Wood Snake, influencing the opportunities and difficulties of 2025.

As the Tai Sui for 2025, General Wu Sui may face difficulties with resource shortages, which might be exacerbated by conflict or natural calamities. The potential for unrest is further highlighted by the antagonistic #3 Star that resides in the Patriarch’s sector (NW). Large populations may be uprooted in search of better living conditions, but there is also optimism that a kind leader will emerge to help people get through these difficulties. This means that the Tai Sui’s conservation and direction will be crucial in 2025. During these uncertain times, harmony amulets will be extremely helpful in preserving stability and tranquility.
