Azimio MPs Wanting to Join Kenya Kwanza Told to Seek Fresh Mandate by Raila 2023

The head of the Azimio One Kenya Coalition, Raila Odinga, is asking Jubilee members of parliament who have defected to his party to seek a new mandate while running under the banner of the Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

A story that was uploaded on Facebook by indicates that the former prime minister wants the members of parliament for the Jubilee party to have a by-election and be re-elected.

If his suggestion is accepted, more than twenty leaders who were elected on the Jubilee party would lose their seats in parliament since they have since shifted to the Kenya Kwanza Alliance, which did not support them.

This will happen if the Kenya Kwanza Alliance did not support them when they were on the Jubilee party. Among those who stand to lose is Eldas MP Aden Keynan, who is also being courted by the Kenya Kwanza Alliance in hopes of luring him away from the Jubilee party. Those who stand to lose include.

In the event that those Members of Parliament are unsuccessful in retaining their seats, by-elections will be conducted sixty days after the day on which they were removed from office to provide them with ample time for campaigning.

Do you agree with Raila’s proposal that members of the Jubilee Party legislature be removed from office through a vote? Leave a comment below with your opinion on the topic.

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